Personal Financial Planning

Empower a secure future for you and your loved ones.

Personal Financial Planning Services

Innovative Partners, a team at Creative Financial Group, offers an array of personal financial planning services and works with our clients to build their unique financial journey. Our services include:

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Financial Position
  • Cash reserve levels
  • Cash reserve strategies
  • Debt management
  • Cash flow management
  • Net worth
  • Discretionary income
  • Expected large inflow/outflow
  • Lines of credit
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  • Tax reduction
  • Tax deferral
  • Tax avoidance
  • Future taxes due
  • Withholding
  • Tax diversification
  • Qualified investments
  • Non-qualified investments
  • Effects of liquidation
  • Filing status
  • Business ownership
  • Non-traditional ownership
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Risk Management
  • Disability options
  • Long-term care - timing/prem/coverage
  • Umbrella liability
  • Medical/Health
  • Property and casualty*
  • Deductibles vs. cash reserves
  • Policy status
  • Policy loans
  • Beneficiary designations
  • Special needs situations
  • Alternate/additional coverage strategies
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  • Asset allocation
  • Education planning
  • Lump-sum accumulation
  • Options/restricted stock/non-qualifies deferred compensation
  • Ongoing investment fees
  • Risk tolerance
  • Tax implications
  • Cost basis
  • Time frames
  • Diversification strategies
  • Dollar-cost averaging
  • Market timing issues
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  • Minimum distributions
  • Pre-59 1/2 strategies
  • 401 (k)s
  • IRAs
  • Medicare/Medigap
  • Social security
  • Roth conversions
  • Income streams
  • Income streams - transitions
  • Health care
  • Tax transitions
  • Risk tolerance transition
  • Timing issues
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Estate Planning*
  • Estate balancing
  • Capital transfer
  • Asset ownership
  • Trusts
  • Wills
  • Trust Funding
  • Estate Planning
  • Succession Planning
  • Special needs dependents
  • Minor children
  • Generation-skipping
  • Short-term life expectancies
  • Estate liquidity
*Any discussion of taxes is for general informational purposes only, does not purport to complete or cover every situation, and should not be constructed as legal, tax or accounting advice. Clients should confer with their qualified legal, tax and accounting advisors as appropriate.

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